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북한 전력난 해소를 위한 천연가스 이용 고체산화물 연료전지 기반 분산발전 시스템 도입에 관한 연구

A Study on the Introduction of Natural Gas-Fueled Solid Oxide Fuel Cells as Distributed Generation System for Electric Power Backup in North Korea

저자 권오빈, 차현진, 최희수, 유홍녕, 김재연, 김혜옥, 박태현
소속 및 직함 숭실대학교
발행기관 한국정밀공학회
학술지 한국정밀공학회지
권호사항 38(4)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 305-314
발행 시기 2021년
키워드 #고체산화물형 연료전지   #연료전지 모델링   #북한   #전력난   #배관천연가스   #권오빈   #차현진   #최희수   #유홍녕   #김재연   #김혜옥   #박태현
This paper reports the effectiveness of the introduction of NGDG-SOFC (Natural Gas-Fueled Distributed Generation Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) as a solution to social problems that could arise in the unification era due to the power shortage in North Korea. Under the actual operating conditions of the plant, a stack that operates at a voltage of 33.87 V and current of 31.24 A was modeled with a gross output of 1.06 kW and a net output of 1.00 kW considering the balance of plant (BOP) consumption power. Considering the average primary energy consumption in the ASEAN countries in 2020, 2,870 MW was estimated as the amount of power generation required in North Korea. Also, the gross area of the plant and the annual fuel cost were estimated. Consequently, it is concluded that the area of 861 km2 which corresponds to 0.71 percent of the gross area of North Korea, and fuel cost of about 1,474 million $/year are required. The introduction of NGDG-SOFC plants is believed to follow the global trend of renewable energy and resolving the power shortage in North Korea in an eco-friendly manner.