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북한도시연구의 성과와 과제: 선행연구 분석 중심으로

Achievements and Tasks in North Korean City Studies: focusing on the analysis of previous studies

저자 박성열, 이은정, 이정요, 한지만
소속 및 직함 숭실대학교 숭실평화통일연구원
발행기관 공공정책연구소
학술지 Journal of North Korea Studies
권호사항 7(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 129-162
발행 시기 2021년
키워드 #North Korean city   #previous research   #market   #Urban Space Structures   #power relations in cities   #social relations networks   #the lives of residents   #박성열   #이은정   #이정요   #한지만
This study analyzes previous researches from 1990 to 2020 to assess achievements and limitations and provide a direction for future research due to research on North Korean cities research is valuable for understanding North Korea. Achievements include: firstly, contributing to a three-dimensional understanding of North Korea by identifying urban space structures that are changing according to the markets, power relations in cities, social relations networks, and the lives of residents; secondly, strengthening the academic identity of North Korean Studies by using concepts of urban history, urban politics, etc, and utilizing various research methods such as deep interview surveys, GIS and SNS; thirdly, understanding in detail, through the use of central power-oriented studies, how central power is projected in cities that were marginalized in the past. However, limitations were also revealed. Firstly, in order to improve understanding of North Korean cities, knowledge of the North Korean system and other academic knowledge must be combined synergistically, but North Korean Studies has often not been combined with general academic knowledge in this way. Secondly, it is desirable to study North Korean cities consistently and continuously, but the research was somewhat sporadic in nature due to a lack of assistance by government authorities. Thirdly, in terms of content, it is difficult to find comparative research studies between North Korean cities or with cities in countries that have undergone system change. In addition, only 11 out of 28 North Korean cities have been studied. This can be attributed to the accessibility of the research data and the path-dependence of the research, but it undermines the research objectives and precludes a comprehensive understanding of North Korean cities. This study draws several conclusions based on the results of the analysis. Firstly, recognizing that changes in North Korea have various aspects and causes, studies regarding cities and residents should be done more consistently. Secondly, it would be desirable to see more collaborative research with public institutions such as the National Research Institute and LH, which have collated the results of research on North Korean cities, as well as joint research between North Korean Studies majors and other departmental majors. Thirdly, in terms of research methodology, Western urban theory should not be used exclusively, but an analytical system should be developed that reflects the unique context of Korea as a divided country. Finally, research on cities that have not yet been studied is desirable, such as inland urban areas, in order to properly examine North Korea, as is comparative research not only between North Korean cities but also with other cities in a changed-system context.