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렌트메커니즘과 북한 정치체제: 김일성-김정일-김정은 체제 비교중심으로

The Rent-mechanism and North Korea’s Political Regime: Focusing on Comparative of Kim Il-sung, Kim Jung-il and Kim Jung-eun

저자 가월현, 조윤영
소속 및 직함 중앙대학교 동북아학과
발행기관 공공정책연구소
학술지 Journal of North Korea Studies
권호사항 7(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 51-77
발행 시기 2021년
키워드 #rent-seeking   #rent-mechanism   #rent-mechanism for regime   #malign rent   #가월현   #조윤영
It is laborious to define the North Korean regime in one word due to differences in viewpoints. This study intends to introduce and define the concept of rent. Based on the rent-seeking theory of neoclassical economics, this is an attempt to borrow the framework of Ngo and Wu's sequence of rent production through the expansion of the rent concept. This study found that rent and rent-seeking behaviors appear in the societies in North Korea overall, and that good rent-seeking and bad rent-seeking behaviors depend on the leader, political group, and political and institutional behavior of that society. The characteristics of the North Korean political regime are divided into the Kim Il-sung era, Kim Jung-il era, and Kim Jong-Un era; and the background of the rent-seeking activities is internalized by analyzing the background of the formation of the rent-mechanism. This clarifies that the purpose of the North Korean regime is to maintain the regime, and presents a “rent-mechanism for regime” analysis framework to analyze this. The results of this study reveal the characteristics of 'rentier state, rent-based state, and rentier state regime' by the era in relation to North Korea's political regime and rent-mechanism. As a policy alternative, this study proposes to establish a Malign Influence Center that can respond to internal and external malign influence power. This is an alternative to protect the values and interests of the country and its people from malign influence seekers who want to threaten and take over the country and its people with technology that transcends reality.