This paper argues that PSO(Peace Spring Operation) should be analysed in the context of Turkey’s two previous in Syria, Euphrates Shield Operation and Olive Branch Operation. Although, for more than two weeks, the Turkish army has still been conducting its military operation “Peace Spring” in Northeastern Syria, a ceasefire agreement brokered by the US and a pact between Turkey and Russia has effectively prevented Turkish military expansion in its originally designated area. The Peace Spring Operation, launched on 9 Oct 2019, was Turkey’s military/diplomatic/political offensive against the People's Defence Units(YPG) in Syria and beyond and was triggered by Turkey. Four distinct purposes of this operation can be identified. The first was the redeployment of US troops in the northeast of Syria; second was the expansion of Russia’s area of influence towards the east of the Euphrates; third was the launch of a new phase of the Assad government’s operation in Idlib; forth was a re-evaluation of YPG’s patron-client relationship with the United States and the European Union. Turkey sought to prevent the formation of a Kurdish state and to address the Syrian refugee issue. While Turkey was able to achieve some strategic gains via the PSO, many challenges remain which prevent Ankara from achieving all its objectives.