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북한 혁명무용의 이해

Understanding North Korean Revolutionary Dance

저자 조채은, 전미애
소속 및 직함 세종대학교 무용학과
발행기관 대한무용학회
학술지 대한무용학회 논문집
권호사항 79(4)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 197-214
발행 시기 2021년
키워드 #Ethnic dance   #revolutionary dance   #life dance   #Crowd dance   #subject dance   #조채은   #전미애
This study began with the hope of peaceful unification through commu- nication in the culture and arts world, which was completely blocked by differences in ideology between the two Koreas. Through the three dicta- torships, we looked at the evolutionary process of dance and found that the common aspect was the creative form for revolution. Although North Korea's ethnic dance has been transformed into a North Korean folk dance, the unique nature of South Korean works remains. In particular, historical homogeneity could be found in dance using props. It has been confirmed that North Korean dance art was not just an art field, but a means of thought, religion, and political propaganda. It has been con- firmed that the method of inter-Korean exchange becomes culture and art, and I hope this study will serve as a cornerstone for peaceful unification.