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남북한 스포츠교류가 대학생의 정부신뢰와 통일의식에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

A Study on the Effect of Sport Interchange on Governmental Trust and Awareness of Unification of University Students

저자 원종윤, 장지연, 이형일
소속 및 직함 선문대학교
발행기관 한국사회체육학회
학술지 한국사회체육학회지
권호사항 (85)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 241-254
발행 시기 2021년
키워드 #South and North Korea   #Sport Interchange   #Govermental Trust   #Unification   #Awareness of Unification   #원종윤   #장지연   #이형일
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to grasp the effect of sports ecxhanges between North and South Korea on university students’ trust in government and their reunification consciousness and to provide policies for them. Method: After the sampling frame was created, a total of 720 samplesw ere extracted using the random number table. Among the collected data, 642 data were used as the final analysis data except for the question marked with the missing value or double labeling. In order to obtain the validity of the measurement tools used in this study, exploratory factor analysis was performed, and Cronbach’s α value was extracted to ensure reliability. In this study, frequency analysis, reliability analyssi, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were performed according to SPSS WIN 21.0 statistical program. Results: First, institutional apparatus and sustainable exchange for hte effect of substantial exchanges linked to reunification were needed. Second, it was necessary to promtoe policies and programs that allow unive-r sity students to participate in the program through the diffuosin to the private sectors and local governments . Third, reunification education and information openness were very necessary. Fourth, there should be government preparation and willingness to act and active participation of private sectors. Fifth, the enhancement of the government’s administrative trust, and ability to act & cope with the situation was the key to enhancing the trust of the government. Conclusion: The rapid and diverse exchange and cooperation for reunification should lead to the establishment of institutional apparatus and practical implementation.