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남북교류협력을 위한 MICE 활용방안에 대한 연구: 수정된 중요도-성과(IPA) 분석

Research on How to Use MICE Measures for Inter-Korean Exchange and Cooperation: Modified Importance-Performance Analysis(IPA)

저자 김태칠, 김미견
소속 및 직함 경희대학교
발행기관 한국마이스관광학회
학술지 MICE관광연구
권호사항 21(4)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 199-219
발행 시기 2021년
키워드 #MICE산업   #남북교류협력   #IPA분석   #북한MICE요인   #김태칠   #김미견
The purpose of this research is to analyze how to use MICE measures for inter-Korean exchange and cooperation. According to the results of the importance-performance analysis (IPA), it is necessary to recognize the necessity of MICE between the two Koreas and to be prepared and planned. The following are the conditions and measures for MICE in inter-Korean. First, the hegemony competition between the United States and China is a challenge. However, it will be necessary to step up the phases to recognize the reality and promote common interests between the two Koreas. Second, MICE measures in inter-Korean exchange are necessary for cooperation, preparation, and planning for the future. Third, in order to promote cooperation in MICE, stable and sustainable institutionalization is needed. Fourth, it is possible to consider a joint cooperation model through international organizations and specialized overseas PEOs and PCOs.