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북한 조선어교육 교재와 남한 한국어교육 교재 비교 연구 –김형직사범대학교와 세종학당 교재를 중심으로–

A Comparative Study of North Korean Language Education Textbooks and South Korean Language Education Textbooks

저자 김한근
소속 및 직함 연세대학교
발행기관 국제한국어교육학회
학술지 한국어교육
권호사항 32(3)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 81-107
발행 시기 2021년
키워드 #외국어로서의 조선어교육   #외국어로서의 한국어교육   #조선어 교재   #김형 직사범대학교   #회화 교재   #김한근
The purpose of this study is to confirm the characteristics and the appearance of KFL(Korean as Foreign Language) in North Korea through compare with KFL text books and KFL in North Korean textbooks. To this end, the KFL textbooks were selected for ‘Sejong Korean’, which was published by Sejong Hakdang, and the ‘Korean conversation: Ryuhaksang’ was selected for the KFL in North Korea, published by Kim Hyung-jik Pedagogical University. In the number of units analyzed, ‘Sejong Korean’ was more than ‘Korean conversation: Ryuhaksang’, but the number of dialogues and the pairs of dialogues in each unit were highly frequent in ‘Korean conversation: Ryuhaksang’. In addition, the lexical diversity can be deduced from the highly available ‘Korean conversation: Ryuhaksang’ to provide a more diverse vocabulary in KFL in North Korea than in KFL. However, in the frequency ranking of appearances by parts of speech, it was confirmed that the results of ‘Sejong Korean’ and ‘Korean conversation: Ryuhaksang’ were the same, so that the KFL and KFL in North Korea all formed a textbook focusing on the conversations used in real life.