This paper classified the trends on studying history in North Korea after Korean independence in 5 eras depending on the political and ideological changes, and analyzed the descriptions related to the war of Goryeo-Khitan appeared at each era, especially on the 3td great victory at Guiju where Gang Gam-chan participated. The objects were the history books styled for a to z description published officially by North Korea, i.e. 『Joseon Tongsa(朝鮮通史)』 and 『Joseon Junsa(朝鮮全史)』, and the books described in sectional history (Theme history) such as 『History of Anti-invasion Battling of Korea People(朝鮮人民의 反侵略鬪爭史)』 and 『History of Foreign Relations foreign relations of the Korea(朝鮮對外關係史)』. These books show properly in timely manner how the evaluations on the war of Goryeo-Khitan, especially on Gang Gam-chan and the great victory at Guiju have been changed. It is considered that why North Korea pays attention to Goryeo era out of many eras is related to the history recognition of North Korean historical school and the political scheme to acquire the orthodox of connecting Gojoseon-Goguryeo- Goryeo-North Korea. Especially, it is considered that the reason of remarking Gang Gam-chan particularly is because he had strengthened the position of Goryeo greatly in East Asia by winning the 3rdinvasion of Khitan as a loyal warrior of Goryeo differently with Seo Hee who obtained the Gang dong 6sectors through diplomatic negotiation and Gang Jo who took the political power through overthrowing, and his hardline policy against Khitan could be used for the pretext to back up the good lord politics advocated by Kim Jung-il.