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제한적 목적지인 북한에 대한 지각된 위험이 관광이미지;방문의도에 미치는 영향: 남한 국민을 대상으로

The Influences of Perceived Risk on North Korea;Restricted Destination;on Tourism Image;Visit Intention: Focused on South Koreans

저자 노희경
소속 및 직함 공주대학교
발행기관 (사)한국관광레저학회
학술지 관광레저연구
권호사항 32(11)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 5-25
발행 시기 2020년
키워드 #제한적 목적지   #통일관광   #북한관광   #지각된 위험   #관광이미지   #방문의도   #노희경
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between risk factors;tourist image;and intention to visit South Korea's limited destinations. Therefore;this study aimed to form a positive tourist image by minimizing the perceived risk factors in the role of tourism in preparation for unification;and to provide a basis for a plan that can lead to a visit. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that perceived risk partially influenced the tourist image. And only physical and social risks had a negative effect on visit intention. In addition;it was confirmed that the image of tourism in North Korea had a positive effect on visit intention. In order to improve the positive image of North Korea's tourism;it is necessary to improve the facts that potential tourists perceive as dangerous in the process of government tourism policy and commercialization of private travel;and to promote the facts. And in order to improve the South Korean people's visit to North Korea in terms of the role of tourism in the future of unification;it is possible to minimize the risk factors for factors directly related to the individual such as personal health and disease;crime and friction with local people. We believe it will be necessary to come up with measures and improve the positive image.