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The Acoustic Differences in the Production of English and Korean Lateral /l/ in the Word-initial Position by American English and South-North Korean Speakers

The Acoustic Differences in the Production of English and Korean Lateral /l/ in the Word-initial Position by American English and South-North Korean Speakers

저자 권민영
소속 및 직함 아주자동차대학교
발행기관 미래영어영문학회
학술지 영어영문학
권호사항 29(2)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 177-203
발행 시기 2024년
키워드 #남한화자   #북한화자   #어두 /l/   #음향학적 분석   #포먼트   #권민영
This study provides an acoustic analysis of the English /l/'s production in the word-initial position by South and North Korean speakers, comparing it with American English speakers and the Korean /l/ as produced by North Koreans. Aimed at exploring the phonetic and phonological differences in the articulation of the /l/, this research particularly focuses on the influence of vowel context on articulatory strategies. The findings reveal significant variations in formant frequencies (F1, F2, and F3) and durations of the /l/ among the groups, suggesting the impact of native language characteristics and vowel contexts on second language sound production. South and North Korean speakers demonstrate a more fronted tongue position, with North Koreans also exhibiting a generally lower tongue position. Both groups show distinct articulatory efforts and strategies compared to American speakers. The study highlights the complex interplay between phonetic, phonological, and contextual factors in /l/ production, offering insights into cross-linguistic influences and articulatory variations in second language speech.