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북한이탈주민의 여가활동을 통한 활동적 노화와 재사회화

Active Aging and Resocialization through Leisure Activity of North Korean Women's Defectors

저자 배재윤
소속 및 직함 한국노인인력개발원
발행기관 한국여가레크리에이션학회
학술지 한국여가레크리에이션학회지
권호사항 47(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 55-77
발행 시기 2023년
키워드 #북한이탈주민   #여성   #여가활동   #합창   #활동적 노화   #재사회화   #배재윤
The purpose of this study is to examine the experience and meaning of North Korean Defectors' leisure through the North Korean Women's Defector choir. To this end, eight North Korean Defectors who are participate as members of North Korean Women's Defectors choir and one who is a NGO staff were selected as research participants and in-depth interviews were conducted. In addition, non-verbal data were collected by non-participation observation of the North Korean women's Defector choir's rehearsal and choral performances, and used for the analysis of the results. First, the North Korean Women's Defector Choir healed North Korean Defectors' trauma and depression with the peacefulness of singing and chorus. Second, the performance of the North Korean Women's Defector choir contributed to recovery by raising the low self-esteem of North Korean Defector. Third, the North Korean Women's Defector choir, composed entirely of North Korean Defectors, had the characteristics of a self-help group and contributed to the formation of a network among North Korean Defectors. Fourth, the North Korean women's choir was like a sanctuary where North Korean Defectors could inspire a sense of belonging as members of South Korean society and rest at any time. The North Korean Women's Defector choir showed the aspect of active aging through leisure activity according to the characteristics of the elderly female members. And the North Korean Women's Defector choir ultimately contributed to the settlement of North Korean Defectors in South Korean society, thereby realizing resocialization through leisure activity. Leisure activities of North Korean Defectors had different characteristics from other leisure activities. Accordingly, with reference to the results and discussions of this study, special attention should be paid to the preparation of leisure activity support plans for them in the future.