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Discussions between the ROK’s National Assembly and the Japanese National Diet regarding the repatriation of Koreans in Japan to the DPRK during the Cold War

Discussions between the ROK’s National Assembly and the Japanese National Diet regarding the repatriation of Koreans in Japan to the DPRK during the Cold War

저자 강여린
소속 및 직함 동국대학교 일본학연구소
발행기관 한국정치사회연구소
학술지 한국과 국제사회
권호사항 7(2)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 479-493
발행 시기 2023년
키워드 #Cold War   #the National Assembly of the ROK   #the National Diet of Japan   #Repatriation of Koreans in Japan to the DPRK   #강여린
The question of this study is, ‘How did the ROK’s National Assembly and the Japanese National Diet discuss the repatriation of Koreans in Japan to the DPRK in early 1959?’ This paper analyzes the minutes from February to June 1959 of the ROK’s National Assembly and the Japanese National Diet to answer this. Comparing the ROK’s National Assembly and the Japanese National Diet’s parliamentary discussions on the repatriation of Koreans in Japan to the DPRK, the Japanese National Diet’s discussions were more specific and realistic than the ROK’s National Assembly’s discussions. Finally, Koreans in Japan were repatriated to the DPRK in December 1959.