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북한 탄소하나화학공업의 정치경제: 자력갱생과 저탄소 전환, 그리고 세 가지 물질적 표상

The Political Economy of the C1 Chemical Industry in North Korea: Self-reliance, the Low-Carbon Transition, and the Three Materials of Juche

저자 조은성
소속 및 직함 서강대학교
발행기관 한국과학사학회
학술지 한국과학사학회지
권호사항 45(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 135-160
발행 시기 2023년
키워드 #North Korea   #T’ansohana hwahak kong’ǒp [C1 chemical industry]   #gasification of coal   #the low-carbon shift   #the three materials of Juche   #조은성
This paper addresses the technological history and prospects of the C1 (one-carbon) chemical industry ( T’ansohana hwahak kong’ǒp ) that North Korea has been promoting as the core of its economic development strategy since 2016. C1 chemistry is a technology that not only improves energy efficiency but also reduces carbon emissions. However, what has received less attention is the fact that North Korea’s development strategy centered on the C1 chemical industry has been linked to the low-carbon transition, and does not merely reflect an adherence to self-reliance. This paper points out that the development of clean coal technology such as coal gasification has interacted with the politico-economic development of T’ansohana hwahak kong’ǒp . In addition, this paper analyzes the three Juche materials (vinalon, steel, and fertilizer) that were presented as the material symbols of [self-reliance] before, highlighting the way in which these three materials have again been utilized as the material representations of the new discourse of the C1 chemical industry. The reasons for this are twofold. For one thing, the C1 chemical industry has inherited the Juche industrial line that emphasizes the use of North Korea’s own raw materials and fuels. Additionally, it is in accordance with the North Korean propaganda policy of appealing to the general public by showing concrete materials visually.