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김정은 시대 공연예술 창작 현황과 남북한 문화예술교류 방안

The current status of performing arts creation during the Kim Jong-un era and cultural and artistic exchanges between the two Koreas

저자 전미애
소속 및 직함 대진대학교
발행기관 대한무용학회
학술지 대한무용학회 논문집
권호사항 81(3)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 240-252
발행 시기 2023년
키워드 #Kim Jong-un era   #North Korean performing arts   #creative status   #in ter-Korean cultural and artistic exchanges   #cultural soft power   #전미애
In this paper, the current status of North Korean performing arts crea- tion was analyzed based on the process of changes in performing arts pol- icies during the Kim Jong-un era in North Korea, and through this, the inter-Korean art exchange plan is presented as follows. First, it is necessary to enact laws and secure budgets to achieve cul- tural exchanges between local governments, regardless of political ex- changes between the two Koreas' political exchanges. Second, a network should be established where private art organizations can communicate. Third, it is necessary for artists from both countries to communicate and open exhibitions and performances through online communication net- works, and North Korea, which is thoroughly blocking the outside world, needs to make efforts to resolve inter-Korean conflicts based on openness and transparency from a macro perspective.