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북한이탈주민 여성의 문화적 역량과 차별지각 및 문화적응 스트레스와의 관계

Relationship between Cultural Competence, Perception of Discrimination and Acculturation Stress among North Korean Refugee Women

저자 이인숙, 신미녀
소속 및 직함 한남대학교
발행기관 다문화건강학회
학술지 다문화건강학회지
권호사항 13(2)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 179-188
발행 시기 2023년
키워드 #Democratic people's republic of Korea   #Refugee   #Acculturation   #Stress   #Discrimination   #이인숙, 신미녀
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the impact of personal resources, including cultural competence, and perception of discrimination on acculturation stress among 173 North Korean refugee women in South Korea. Methods: A descriptive study design was used. Data were collected between October and December 2022. Results: The results indicated that the cultural competence scores of the subjects were an average of 140.18 out of 215, the average perceived discrimination scores were 14.56 out of 45, and the average scores of acculturation stress were 51.61 out of 125. Significant differences were observed in cultural competence, perception of discrimination, and acculturation stress were observed based on the educational level or duration of residence in South Korea or the presence of children. Significant positive correlation was observed between the participants’ perception of discrimination and acculturation stress. Conclusion: These results show that North Korean refugee women struggle to adapt to South Korean society due to their perception of discrimination, leading to higher acculturation stress. Hence, tailored support programs considering the education, duration of residence in South Korea, and the parental roles of the subjects are needed to reduce this stress and promote the acceptance of cultural diversity.