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북한산림복구용 종자 변온침지 처리를 통한 발아특성 연구

A Study on Germination Characteristics through Seed Variable Immersion for Restoration of North Korea Forest

저자 최종오, 박용진
소속 및 직함 강릉원주대학교 환경조경학과
발행기관 한국환경복원기술학회
학술지 한국환경복원기술학회지
권호사항 25(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 1-10
발행 시기 2022년
키워드 #North Korea   #Forest Restoration   #Seeds   #Variable Temperatures   #Larix kaempferi   #최종오   #박용진
This study was conducted to investigate the germination characteristics through the temperature change treatment compared to the general room temperature immersion treatment of the native species, the Larix kaempferi, and the Berula platyphyllavar. japonica seeds, and to obtain basic data for the production of healthy seedlings with high productivity and efficiency. As a result, the germination rate of the larch seeds showed a significant difference according to room temperature and temperature immersion treatment, and the average germination days of the birch seeds showed a significant difference according to room temperature immersion and temperature immersion treatment. On the other hand, there was no significant difference in germinal uniformity. The results of the study are as follows. First, the results of the analysis of the fallen leaves were the highest germination rate in the treatment of 1.5 days of hot water and 1.5 days of cold water, the fastest germination rate, the lowest average germination day, and the highest germination uniformity. This is the best result in most items, and the change temperature immersion treatment of hot and cold baths was superior to the conventional room temperature immersion treatment. Second, the results of birch tree showed that the germination rate was the highest in 1.5 days of hot water and 1.5 days of cold water. The average germination day is 1.5 days of cold water 1.5 days of hot water 1.5 days, but the difference between 1.5 days of hot water and 1.5 days of cold water is 0.01 days. The highest germinated uniformity was found in 1.5 days of cold water and 1.5 days of hot water. As a result, in the case of larch and birch, the seed temperature immersion (1.5 days of hot water, 1.5 days of cold water) treatment is superior to the existing three-day immersion treatment in various analysis methods, and it is expected that productivity and efficiency can be improved at a low cost in a short period of time at the seedling production site through seeds.