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북한이탈 여성의 자궁경부암에 대한 인식 : 포커스그룹 면담

Perceptions of Cervical Cancer among Female North Korean Defectors : Focus Group Interviews

저자 김진현, 양진주, 최서연, 정재원
소속 및 직함 서울대학교
발행기관 다문화건강학회
학술지 다문화건강학회지
권호사항 12(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 11-20
발행 시기 2022년
키워드 #북한이탈   #여성   #자궁경부암   #인식   #포커스그룹   #김진현   #양진주   #최서연   #정재원
Purpose: This study explored the perceptions of cervical cancer among female defectors from North Korea. Methods: A qualitative method using focus group interviews was employed. Thirteen participants who were older than 20 when they left North Korea were recruited through a church-based community in Seoul. Data were collected from 3 focus group interviews conducted in July 2021 after obtaining written consent from each participant. Each interview lasted for 40 to 50 minutes and was recorded. After verbatim transcription, the data were analyzed qualitatively using the conventional content analysis method. Results: The following four categories were identified, each with two to three subcategories: misconceptions about cervical cancer, barriers to knowledge acquisition, negative emotions toward the screening test, and expectations for cervical cancer education. Conclusion: North Korean defectors have been considered particularly vulnerable to cervical cancer, a major women’s health issue. Education and healthcare services need to be integrated into the services they receive after they enter South Korea.