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북한 개혁·개방의 단계와 방향 : 사회주의 체제변화론의 관점에서

(The)stage and direction of reform & openness in North Korea : with special reference to the socialist system change perspective

저자 김일기
학위 박사
소속학교 건국대학교 대학원
전공 정치학과
발행연도 2006년
쪽수 218
지도교수 백영철
키워드 #김일기   # 북한 개혁[北韓改革]   # 북한 개방[北韓開放]   # 김정일체제
This study intends to analyze contents and characteristics of North Korea’s market-based reforms and openness after July 1st 2002(Economic Management Improvement Measure: ‘7․1 measure’) and based on such analysis, to assess its stage and direction of its change in the future. Particularly, North Korea’s reform and openness have been many changes in the early years of the 21th century. Namely, North Korea accomplish drastic reforms and openness in the economic system in 2002. They are the ‘7․1 measure’ and the foreign openness of special economic zone like ‘Sinuiju Special Administrative Region’, ‘the Mount Geumgang Tour’, ‘Gaesong Industrial Park’ established in July-November 2002.The purpose of new reform and opnness is to normalize the distribution and logistics system in the state, abolish non-social phenomena and normalize the planned economy system.It is analyzed as that, performance of North Korea’s reform and openness in July-November 2002 is crucial for lasting economic success to overcome its own economic crisis in 1990s. The experience of China’s reform and openness underlines the crucial importance market-based reform and openness in North Korea. It is one of the results of this thesis that North Korea go through the gradual path of economic system change resembling Chnese type.The policy itself hinders the state’s return to the past because the new policy aims at stimulating the national economy by introducing capitalist methods. It also supports active marketization and decentralization reform in North Korea The Reform has been revealed in the form of change in the price reform, labor-wage system, decentralization of the planning authority and increased autonomy, and the introduction of the market. The analyzed results of this thesis can be summed up in a single word: the second phase of marketization. It was rushed or plunged into great changes from the socialist planned economic system or the economic system of independence and self-sufficiency to the capitalistic economic system with startling velocity. It is the liberalization of trade with foreign nations and expansion of privately-owned right and extension of the capitalistic market.Therefore it can be said that North Korea has much prospect for the gradual and external opening-centered path of economic system change. As internal reform is to go on with external openness, it is expected to give priority to marketization. There exists practical idelogy(New Thinking, Silli Socialism) behind all the change taking place in North Korea. Such remarks induce that North Korea will continuously strengthen the reform and openness prosess to pursue economy rebuilding and development as long as the state can manage the whole situation and its control will not be threatenedExternal conditions are significant factors for successful reform and openness in North Korea. Specially, it is important to solve the problem in North Korea between the United States. However, it is also necessary to prepare a reform-friendly environment in North Korea. In conclusion, the liberalization of trade with foreign nations and expansion of privately-owned right and extension of the capitalistic market are vital if the full policy-making of North Korea’s market-based reforms and openness after July 2002 are to be realized. Because the self-sufficient Juche-economy simply undermines North Korea’s economic growth prospects. For their economic growth, we support the democratization of North Korea, we are for reforms and openness and we are for market economy and a democratic state in the North Korea
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구목적 1
2. 기존연구 동향 7
3. 연구범위와 방법 11
Ⅱ. 사회주의 체제변화와 개혁․개방 16
1. 체제변화의 개념과 단계 16
2. 체제변화의 모델과 전략 27
3. 체제변화와 개혁개방 34
4. 개념적 틀 37
Ⅲ. 북한체제의 위기와 개혁․개방 42
1. 북한체제의 위기 43
2. 김정일체제의 출범과 ‘사회주의 강성대국’ 건설 61
3. 위기에 대한 대응과 개혁․개방 정책의 등장 76
Ⅳ. 7․ 1 조치와 북한의 개혁․개방 96
1. 시장화 99
2. 분권화 119
3. 사유화 128
4. 대외개방 132
Ⅴ. 북한 개혁․개방의 평가와 전망 151
1. 개혁․개방의 단계 151
2. 개혁․개방의 지속가능성 160
3. 개혁․개방의 방향 166
4. 개혁․개방의 과제 177
Ⅵ. 요약 및 결론 187
참고문헌 196