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북한 집단주의의 형성 및 변천에 관한 연구

(The)formation and changes of north Korean collectivism

저자 이승목
학위 박사
소속학교 동국대학교 대학원
전공 북한학과
발행연도 2006년
쪽수 197
지도교수 최대석
키워드 #이승목   # 북한   # 집단주의
This thesis on the formation and changes of North Korean Collectivism of which general idea is the way of communists' life helps to learn how the collective feelings among people and the proletarian political power have been made and changed. This study is done by a kind of historical research which has been introduced by researchers on North Korean politics and sociology. First of all, the historical research is interested in the universal and unique stream of the history in such socialist nation as North Korea. For example, the universal history of North Korean socialism has been unfolded by showing that the Soviet socialist systems of which ideology was called Marxism-Leninism have been transferred to North Korea since it established its own government in the north of the peninsula. On the other hand, the unique history of North Korean political power has been revealed by such totalitarian ideologies as 'Juche ideology', 'Sun-goon political ideology', etc. The unique history has been spotted by the adoration of the highest leader who has monopolized all of the power. According to this, North Korean Collectivism has been formed and changed over several decades especially from the collectivism sprout age in Japanese colony. Japanese colonial socialists, laborers, and farmers somewhat experienced the proletarian collective union. After that early North Korean Collectivism was inclined to the Soviet collectivism which came true for the first time in the world. It was characterized by Lenin's collectivism including his 'party-nation theory' that the communist party and nation represented the proletarian interests as well as by the original proletarian collectivism. Since that, North Korean Collectivism, however, has been changed into totalitarianism in which the adoration of the leader , the secret police organization and its terror system, the monopoly of the political party and the mass media, and so on are found. The changes of North Korean Collectivism are characterized by the change of the main body in the proletarian revolution. In other words, North Korea has changed the labor class which is called proletariate and which is originally the main body in the proletarian revolution into the subordinate body. The downfall of the proletariate in North Korea is specified by the domination of the communist party and its prime leader. In addition to that, 'Sun-goon politics' which made the People's Liberation Army appear on the stage of the political power openly changed the army into the political body. This means that the army is no longer a device of the proletarian revolution but the main body of the revolution just like the communist party and the people. North Korean Collectivism has had some noticeable characteristics through these changes of its own. First, like the above written passage, North Korean Collectivism turned into totalitarianism in which every power is in the hands of the highest leader. Secondly, North Korean Collectivism is found to have its operation principles such as suffering the national difficulty, learning the national ideologies, and magnifying and reproducing of collective thinking. These principles make the people strained by the pressure from the foreign hostile countries, every day collective activities, customary inspections, etc. Thirdly, there are two functions of North Korean Collectivism. One is unifying the society and the other is controlling the society. In the last place, two weaknesses of North Korean Collectivism such as potential individualism and ruling stratum's irrationality are found in interviews with people to escape from North Korea. In conclusion North Korean Collectivism is in danger of resigning its true character that is the proletarian cultural identity or exclusion. Global socialist sphere's downfall, economic difficulties, the question of the leadership or of the governor, the potential individualism among people, and so on threaten even the traditional collective system by Marx and Lenin. Collective farms, for example, and food distribution are not preferred to individual farms and food trade in market. Consequently, the government is going to force people to expose themselves to more propaganda about collectivism than before.
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구목적 = 1
제2절 연구방법 = 5
제2장 연구의 이론적 배경 = 12
제1절 선행연구 검토 = 12
1. 북한 집단주의 선행연구의 성과 = 12
2. 북한 집단주의 관련연구의 동향 = 15
제2절 집단주의의 이론적 검토 = 21
1. 사회주의와 집단주의 = 21
2. 소련 집단주의 = 28
3. 북한 집단주의 = 33
제3장 북한 집단주의의 형성 = 42
제1절 일제시기 사회변화와 집단주의 맹아 = 42
1. 착취구조에 대한 성찰과 사회주의 운동의 확산 = 42
2. 농촌사회구성의 변화와 노동계급의 성장 = 53
제2절 국가건설과 북한 집단주의의 형성 = 66
1. 김일성의 반제반봉건 민주주의혁명과 집단주의 사회구성 = 66
2. 한국전쟁의 경험과 집단주의적 발전전략의 수립 = 76
제4장 북한 집단주의의 변천 과정 = 84
제1절 유일사상체계의 확립과 집단주의의 발전 = 84
1. 군중로선과 집단주의적 대중동원 = 84
2. 종파의 청산과 집단주의적 유일 체제 = 89
제2절 주체사상과 집단주의의 재구성 = 92
1. 주체사상이 집단주의에 미친 영향 = 92
2. 사회정치적 생명체론과 집단주의의 결합 = 103
제3절 선군정치와 집단주의의 재구성 = 106
1. 사회주의권의 붕괴와 북한의 집단주의 강화 = 106
2. 선군정치가 북한 집단주의에 미친 영향 = 111
제5장 변천 과정에 나타난 북한 집단주의의 특성 = 120
제1절 북한 집단주의의 성격 변화 = 120
1. 집단주의에서 전체주의적 성격으로의 변화 = 120
2. 일당 독재에 군사 독재를 혼합한 성격으로의 변화 = 125
제2절 북한 집단주의의 작동원리 = 129
1. 고난과 학습: 혁명전통적 규범129
2. 집단사고의 확대 재생산 = 135
제3절 북한 집단주의의 사회적 기능 = 140
1. 사회통합 기능 = 140
2. 사회통제 기능 = 144
제4절 북한 집단주의의 취약점 = 149
1. 개인주의의 잠재성 = 149
2. 지배계층의 부조리 = 157
제6장 결론 및 전망 = 164
참고문헌 = 171
이전글, 다음글
다음글 北韓의 先軍政治에 관한 硏究
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