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Sinpho South Shipyard: Construction and Modernization Efforts Continue

게재일자 2024년 09월 06일
기관 38 North
저자 Peter Makowsky, Jack Liu
키워드 #신포   #C급 탄도미사일 잠수함   #북한 해군
원문 보기
주요내용 Recent commercial satellite imagery indicates that North Korea’s newest ballistic missile class submarine (SSB), the “Sinpo-C” class, is undergoing an extensive fitting-out period at the Sinpho South Shipyard. The submarine, also named the Hero Kim Kun Ok, was launched September 6, 2023, and was berthed in the secure boat basin under the protective awning, where it appears to have stayed until May 2024. At that time, it was moved to the drydock, likely to continue work on the lower half of the submarine.