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A Closer Look at North Korea’s Enrichment Capabilities and What It Means

게재일자 2024년 09월 18일
기관 38 North
저자 Siegfried S. Hecker and Robert L. Carlin
키워드 #북한   #저농축 우라늄   #러시아   #외교   #국내문제   #원심분리기   #감정은   #영변   #대량살상무기
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주요내용 Last Friday, nearly 14 years after the North Koreans surprised our Stanford group by unveiling an ultra-modern centrifuge facility in the Yongbyon nuclear complex, the Korea Central News Agency (KCNA) reported a visit by Kim Jong Un to a centrifuge plant, including photos. During our November 2010 visit, we were not allowed to take photos. That makes direct comparisons between what we saw and what KCNA published difficult. But the questions are clear—what did Kim Jong Un want to show, why now, and what difference does it make?