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Pyongyang’s New Frame

게재일자 2024년 09월 25일
기관 38 North
저자 Robert L. Carlin
키워드 #북한   #북중관계   #러시아   #대외정책   #북러관계   #미국
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주요내용 Pyongyang continues to alter how it frames the international security landscape, increasingly portraying itself as part of a larger collection of countries standing against the United States (US). Rather than suggest it is facing the US alone, it is painting itself as part of a group of “independent sovereign states” being threatened.  Recently it has refined that image further, and suggested the next step will be formation of a “just strategic axis” to redress what it calls an “imbalance” of forces on the Peninsula and in the region created by new US-led defense alignments in the Indo-Pacific.