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North Korean Troops in Russia: What Are They Doing There?

게재일자 2024년 10월 25일
기관 38 North
저자 John Erath
키워드 #외교   #김정은   #군사   #러시아   #북러관계   #러시아-우크라이나 전쟁   #조약   #우크라이나   #푸틴
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주요내용 On October 17, South Korean intelligence disclosed that several thousand North Korean troops had apparently begun training in Russia, presumably for deployment to Ukraine. This was later confirmed by other reporting, including the US Department of Defense. There are several reasons why such an arrangement might be considered beneficial by both countries—and concerning to the rest of the world. After the two governments signed a mutual defense treaty in June 2024, this news highlights the cooperation but raises questions about why the world’s third-largest army, which outnumbers its adversary considerably and has been promoting a narrative that it is winning, needs help at this time. The appearance of North Korean forces in Russia points to both a deepening of security cooperation between dictatorships and increasing desperation on the Russian side.