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자연언어처리를 위한 남북 외래어 고찰 - <우리말샘>과 <조선말대사전>을 중심으로 -

A Study on the Loanword of North-South Korean - Focusing on <Urimalsaem> and <Joseonmaldaesajeon> -

저자 정유남
소속 및 직함 고려대학교
발행기관 한국사전학회
학술지 한국사전학
권호사항 (37)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 125-151
발행 시기 2021년
키워드 #자연언어처리   #남북한 외래어   #북한 말뭉치   #표기 차이   #원어 차이   #사회문화적어휘   #우리말샘   #조선말대사전   #정유남
This study investigated the difference between loanword of North-South Korean from the perspective of natural language processing and discussed effective ways to build up the North Korean corpus. Chapter 2 examined trends in research on existing North-South Korean loanword and pointed out that discussions on processing information on North-South Korean loanword are insufficient. In Chapter 3, the differences in loanword, which showed a lot of heterogeneity of North-South Korean languages, were examined by type through the headings of large dictionaries Urimalseam and Joseonmaldaesajeon. First, the type of difference in notation, second, the type of difference in etymology, and third, the type of difference in vocabulary due to socio-cultural factors were divided and explained through actual examples. Chapter 4 discussed how to deal with North Korean loanword for the construction of North Korean corpus. In terms of lexical aspects, etymological aspects, phonological aspects, notation aspects, and socio-cultural vocabulary, North Korean corpus construction and loanword processing methods were explored. The study is meaningful in that it laid the preliminary foundation for the study of North Korean corpus treatment from a natural language processing perspective.