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The Evolution of North Korean Nuclear Issues: Diplomatic, Militaristic and Regime-change Approaches

The Evolution of North Korean Nuclear Issues: Diplomatic, Militaristic and Regime-change Approaches

저자 이승열
소속 및 직함 북한대학원대학교
발행기관 통일학연구원
학술지 Journal of Peace and Unification
권호사항 11(4)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 5-30
발행 시기 2021년
키워드 #diplomatic approach   #regime-change approach   #militaristic approach   #external factors   #internal factors   #이승열
The diplomatic approach two ways of bringing North Korea to the table of dialogue. The first involves imposing strong economic sanctions, while the second entails posi-tive engagement through accepting North Korea's demands. There are also two ways involved in the militaristic approach. The first employs a 'surgical attack', which indi-cates a limited military attack on North Korea's nuclear and missile facilities, while the second is a 'preventive war', which entails full military action. Finally, there is the re-gime-change approach, which also includes two ways of engagement. The first involves a strategy of promoting regime change through an agreement between the United States and China, while the second involves the direct elimination of Kim Jong-un by collabo-rating with the CIA. The following two scenarios can be derived from these three broad approaches of resolving the North Korean nuclear issue. First, the diplomatic approach will be determined by internal factors rather than external factors. Second, the milita-ristic and regime-change approaches will be determined by external factors rather than internal factors.