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딥러닝을 활용한 남북한 의미 변이 탐침 방법론

Detecting the Lexical Variation between South and North Koreans Using the Deep Learning Techniques

저자 정유남, 왕규현, 송상헌
소속 및 직함 중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소
발행기관 한국어의미학회
학술지 한국어 의미학
권호사항 74
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 113-139
발행 시기 2021년
키워드 #조선일보   #노동신문   #남북한 어휘   #어휘 의미   #분포의미론   #단어임베딩   #딥러닝   #워드투벡   #의미 변이   #정유남   #왕규현   #송상헌
Newspapers ordinarily reflect the meaning of lexical items in two Korean language societies and the changes in vocabulary in the times. This study proposes a methodology that automatically probes for semantic variations in which inter-Korean vocabulary differs from large-scale newspaper data. As a theoretical background, we look at the concepts of the distributional semantics and semantic variations. Next, using deep learning’s word embedding skills, we implement a system to probe semantic variations in an automatic way. This study is significant in the following respects. First, this study systematically concerns the difference in the meaning of inter-Korean vocabulary on a comprehensive scale. Second, this study draws a list of inter-Korean semantic variations by means of the deep learning techniques. Third, this study demonstrates that use of word embedding models facilitate automatic extraction of Korean semantic variations.