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북한 ‘집단체조’ 퍼포먼스 양상과정

North Korea's 'Group Gymnastics' Performance aspect process

저자 전미애
소속 및 직함
발행기관 대한무용학회
학술지 대한무용학회 논문집
권호사항 79(3)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 339-356
발행 시기 2021년
키워드 #Group gymnastics   #cultural soft power   #Socialist art   #stereotyping   #Juche ideology   #전미애
Group dance is a comprehensive performance that emphasizes the purpose, form and technique of ideologizing North Koreans into a communist system, and should be interpreted as an artistic rather than gymnastics in the field of physical education. This study analyzed the changes in the "collective group" through the route process of the North Korean government's literary policy. Preliminary studies have been mainly conducted on performance-oriented research, so research through North Korea's policy system is differentiated. Looking at the aspect of North Korea's art performance and dance performance, which plays a key role in maintaining the power succession, will be the basis for cooperative measures and "peaceful unification" that enable continuous inter-Korean exchanges.