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북한정기간행물에 나타난 북한의 복식문화

North Korea's Clothing Culture in North Korea's Periodic Publications

저자 김용문
소속 및 직함 강릉원주대학교
발행기관 한복문화학회
학술지 한복문화
권호사항 23(3)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 133-146
발행 시기 2020년
키워드 #옷차림   #조선옷   #북한 복식문화   #정기간행물   #여성복   #김용문
This study collected 599 articles related to the clothing culture from the North Korean periodicals such as ‘Joseon Nyeiseong,’ ‘Chollima,’ and ‘Geumsugangsan’ held in the North Korean Data Center of the National Library from the 1950s when the division between South and North Korea began to August 2019. The purpose of this study was to examine the changes and characteristics of North Korean clothing culture based on previous studies and Internet resources. Three North Korean publications were analyzed. As a result of analysis publications;‘Joseon Nyeiseong’ dealt with the most articles on clothing;followed by clothing making and maintaining;textiles;women’s clothing;children’s clothing;and hairdressing. ‘Chollima’ covered articles in the order of dressing;women’s clothing;hairdressing;textiles;and men's clothing. ‘Geumsugangsan’ featured the most articles on textiles;followed by Joseon clothing;women’s clothing;and men’s clothing;and had many color photographs of clothes. As a result of analyzing the articles on clothing culture published in North Korean periodicals by the period;articles related to clothing culture were mostly covered in the order of the 1960s;2010s;1960s;and 2000s;and the 1970s were the least. Frequently;matching hairstyles and attires were covered in the publications. Since the 2010s;the articles have been diversifying;including ready-to-wear;synthetic fibers;makeup;ethnic attire;and functional clothes. The articles emphasized dressing that suitable the person in the current aesthetic sense. The characteristics of North Korean clothing were the emphasis on wearing Joseon clothes;rapid changes in women's clothing;practical and active clothing;and the emphasis on dressing and grooming. Changes in the North Korea's clothing culture were closely related to the socio-economic environment and show changes in policy.