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빅데이터를 활용한 북한관광 인식에 관한 연구

A Study on Awareness of North Korean Tourism Using Big Data

저자 김민형
소속 및 직함 동아대학교
발행기관 한국마이스관광학회
학술지 MICE관광연구
권호사항 20(3)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 95-107
발행 시기 2020년
키워드 #북한관광   #빅데이터   #텍스트마이닝 분석   #소셜네트워크 분석   #김민형
The aim of study was to examine awareness of North Korean tourism using big data. For empirical study;data were collected from web pages;blogs and news on Google;Daum and Naver from May 2009 to May 2019. Keyword of ‘North Korean tourism’ were used to retrieve the data. Data were collected by using TEXTOM;a data collecting and processing program. Social network analysis were analyzed by using UCINET 6. The results indicate that North Korean tourism is mainly perceived by words related to 1) tourism destination(Mt. Geumgang;Mt. Baekdu;Pyongyang;Wonsan;Kaesong etc.);2) tourism industry(tourism product;tourist;travel agency;hotel;route etc.);and 3) social atmosphere(South-North summit;unification;cooperation;policy;openness etc.). Practical and theoretical implications of the results are addressed with the directions for future study.