Joo;Yunha & Uhm;Chul Joo. (2020). Analysis of North Korea’s middle school English textbooks based on the 2013 revised curriculum. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal;28(3);39-54. The purpose of this explorative study was to find out the characteristics of reading passages in North Korea’s current middle school English textbooks. To this end;two analyzing criteria were postulated: structural organization and content. The overall findings are as follows: First;each unit was composed of various pair/ group work activities;which may help learners to build communicative competence. Second;four linguistic skills were integratively presented in the textbooks. Third;reading passages dealt with topics related to students’ daily and school lives;nature;science;and foreign culture. Interestingly;topics such as promoting communist ideology or idolizing Kim Jong-un had significantly less weight than previous textbooks. Fourth;there were statistically significant differences in the readability of textbooks by grade. Overall;North Korean English textbooks have improved in form and content. This shows that North Korea;which has only emphasized internal solidarity while being cut off from the outside world;is pursuing English education in line with the global trend.