The purpose of this study is to understand the commonality and the difference in the Hangul orthography of Russian Loanword between South and North Korea and seek for the ways how to move forward after the unification. To this end, this study made comparative analysis of it referred to the South's <the Loanword Orthography> and the North's <the Loanword Orthography> and <How to Write Foreign Languages>. As the results from analysis, it was found out that the commonalities were the compliance with the writing system of its own language, the abidance with the phonetic rules of its own language, and the respect of its accustomed orthography. The differences were the number of used Hangul alphabets, usage of the fortis and the translated loanword. And It was found out that the Russian consonants and vowels of which Korean and Russian alphabets are identically matched to each other between South and North Korea were л, м, н, р, ф, х, ё, ю, я, while the ones not identically matched to each other were б, в, г, д, ж, з, й, к, п, с, т, ц, ч, ш, щ, а, е, и, о, у, ы, э. The later parts of this study were discussed about future way for the unification from the seven points of view focused on the differences in the Hangul orthography of Russian loanwords between South and North Korea.