The aims of this study were to examine the structural relationship between the perception of North Korea, the benefits and concerns of unification, attitudes toward North-South unification, and attitudes toward North Korea tourism among university students. To achieve the purpose of the study, a questionnaire was designed after the review of previous studies, and the online survey was fielded September 10-19, 2019, administering the survey to a convenience sample of University students. The questionnaire included information regarding the purpose of the study, and attitudes towards North Korean tourism. The reliability and validity of the research model was verified and four paths presented were statistically significant and the path (perceived concerns and attitudes toward North-South unification) was not statistically significant. Based on the findings, this study discussed academic contributions, practical implications, and research limitations. The results of this study provide empirical information on the general awareness of unification of university students in the tourism consumption market, and ultimately provide useful information for unification education in universities.