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김정은 시대의 북한 구강보건의료 발전방침과 실태에 대한 탐색적 연구

An exploratory study on development policy and the status of oral health care in the North Korea during the Kim Jong-Un era

저자 이새롬, 정세환
소속 및 직함 경희대학교 치과대학 예방사회치과학교실
발행기관 대한예방치과·구강보건학회
학술지 대한구강보건학회지
권호사항 44(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 26-33
발행 시기 2020년
키워드 #Exploratory study   #North Korea   #Oral health care   #이새롬   #정세환
Objectives: Studies on oral health care in North Korea are being pursued in South Korea. However, the covertness of North Korea offers substantial resistance to the access of information from the country, including in the field of oral health care. In this study, we explored North Korea’s oral health care policy and its status in the Kim Jong-Un Era.

Methods: We used existing information from Internet searches and also interviewed three health care professionals who had recently contact with North Korea.

Results: At present, there are four development policies of oral health care in North Korea: expansion of dental institutions and resource support, strengthening the prevention and treatment of dental diseases, improvement of dental prosthetics, and increasing the responsibility and role of the dental workforce. In addition, there has been an increasing interest in children’s oral health with the development of a few programs.

Conclusions: In order to improve overall oral health care, cooperation is required from North Koreain accessing relevant information in the field of children’s oral health, dental prosthetics, and dental materials. For this to occur, there should be a preliminary trust building process between North Korea and South Korea as well as access to information from reliable sources.