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체제통합국 건강지표 비교를 통한 통일 후 보건의료에 대한 시사점

The Implications on Healthcare System of the Unified Korea: Lesson from System Integration Countries

저자 주영준, 허성은, 이주은
소속 및 직함 아주대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실
발행기관 한국보건행정학회
학술지 보건행정학회지
권호사항 30(3)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 301-310
발행 시기 2020년
키워드 #Unified Korea   #Integrated countries   #Health care quality indicators   #주영준, 허성은, 이주은
Background: In this study;we aimed to investigate the recent trends for health care indicators including maternal mortality ratio;infant mortality rate;under-five mortality rate;life expectancy;years of life lost;and healthcare resources in South Korea;North Korea;Germany;Russian Federation;Mongolia;Vietnam;China;Czech Republic;Poland;and Hungary. Methods: We used data from five sources: World Health Organization;Federal Institute for Population Research;World Bank;Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development health statistics;and national statistics. Results: In the early 1990s;health indicators continued to improve in countries that switched to the health insurance system;but the gap widened in North Korea as health indicators worsened. Conclusion: The establishment of a sustainable health care system after unification of the Korean peninsula requires substantial changes in the health care system and efforts to improve the health of North Koreans.