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북한 개별관광의 유엔(UN) 안전보장이사회 대북제재 위반 여부와 추진방안

Promotion Plan and Violation of UN Security Council Sanctions on North Korea's Individual Tourism

저자 이웅규, 박영민
소속 및 직함 백석대학교
발행기관 한국호텔리조트학회
학술지 호텔리조트연구
권호사항 19(2)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 141-165
발행 시기 2020년
키워드 #Violation   #UN Security Council   #UN Sanctions   #North Korea   #Activation   #Individual Tourism   #이웅규   #박영민
This study attempted to find a new breakthrough in inter-Korean dialogue in the face of continued sanctions against North Korea due to North Korea's nuclear test and missile provocations. In particular, we discussed ways to discuss and promote individual tourism that is not related to violations of UN sanctions on North Korea. This study was conducted to overcome the situation in which the atmosphere of the North-South summit and the North-North summit meeting, which were created in a difficult manner, was deteriorating without performance. Through this, I would like to examine the prospective measures to overcome the conflict of inter-Korean relations. The peace mood on the Korean peninsula was soon transformed into an opposition between conflict and antagonism. In the view that we need to take an active step in consideration of our situation, we have to move away from the impoverishment of inter-Korean relations and pursue independent and independent inter-Korean cooperation projects. In this regard, it was considered that the ‘activation of individual tourism’, which tours North Korea individually, does not violate the UN Security Council North Korea system. Therefore, we focused on the government's individual tourism in North Korea to overcome the current situation and bring North Korea to the stage of inter-Korean dialogue.