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남북축구 교류 사례와 활성화 방안에 관한 질적 접근

A Qualitative Approach to the Previous Inter-Korean Football Exchange Cases and Football Exchange Revitalization Plans

저자 정윤덕
소속 및 직함 국민대학교
발행기관 한국체육정책학회
학술지 한국체육정책학회지
권호사항 18(4)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 15-31
발행 시기 2020년
키워드 #남북축구   #북한   #스포츠교류   #델파이 분석   #정윤덕
The main purpose of this study was to analyze previous cases of inter-Korean football exchanges;and to prepare football exchange revitalization plans;which would be beneficial for South Korean Government to enhance relationship with and to establish government policies toward North Korea. A comprehensive literature review on the previous cases of inter-Korean football exchanges has been conducted as the first step. Furthermore;by employing the Delphi technique;twenty experts in the field of inter-Korean sports were invited to participate. After three-round Delphi;six factors for governments and private sectors were derived to promote the revitalization plan for inter-Korean football exchanges. For central and local governments sector;following factors were derived: 1) preparation of the provision of legal and institutional devices; 2) establishment of a cooperative system among government ministries; 3) creation of budget or raising funds for the program; 4) securement of communication channel; 5) revival of the regular football matches between Seoul and Pyongyang; and 6) support football-related supplies and equipment to North Korea. Following factors were also derived for Korea Football Association and the Korea Professional Football Federation to promote football exchange: expansion of exchanges between South and North Korean 1) youth teams; 2) adolescent teams; 3) women teams; 4) college teams; 5) professional teams; and 6) allowing North Korean players to play for South Korean professional football league (K-League). Therefore;in the course of promote inter-Korean football exchanges;central and local governments should recognize the importance of six factors proposed above for the successful completion of the project. Once South and North Korean government agree to implement inter-Korean football exchanges;the Korea Football Association and the Korea Professional Football Federation should prioritize and actively execute the above proposed six types of exchanges.