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김정은 시기 북한희곡에 나타난 위기 극복 담론과 극적 재현

Discourse on overcoming crisis and dramatic reenactment in North Korean plays during the Kim Jong-un era

저자 최상미
소속 및 직함 조선대학교
발행기관 한국언어문학회
학술지 한국언어문학
권호사항 127
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 275-301
발행 시기 2024년
키워드 #북한희곡   #선전·선동   #「붉은 눈이 내린다」   #「북부전역」   #미란다   #크레덴다   #최상민
North Korea’s plays (theaters, literary works) serve the function of ‘stabilizing the ruling power’ and ‘strengthening the legitimacy of the system.’ The keywords that run through North Korean plays are ‘figuration of the leader’ and ‘mobilization of residents.’ This study aims to examine North Korean plays during the Kim Jong-un era as a ‘crisis overcoming discourse’ To effectively carry out the research purpose, Plays that depict the party and leader facing crisis were selected. These include “Red Snow is Falling” (2019) and “All over the North”(2017). These plays were all published in Chosun Arts after the Kim Jong-un regime came to power in 2012. ‘Red Snow is Falling' (2019) portrays the regime's internal crisis, including economic sanctions, Kim Jong-il's death, and the challenges of a young successor's rise. 'All over the North' (2017) focuses on overcoming external crises caused by natural disasters, emphasizing citizen mobilization. In analyzing the work, the concepts of ‘Miranda and Credenda’, which are widely used theoretical frameworks in propaganda and agitation, were used. This study found that these works functioned as propaganda and agitation tools to overcome the crisis of the system. The analysis identified various Miranda and Credenda mechanisms are confirmed in the work. It was also confirmed that the Merriam's concepts and examples are still being used as they are, sometimes in variations. Sometimes, we can see that these two concepts are intertwined and ‘reinforce each other.’
1. 서론
2. 이론적 고찰
3. 경제 위기 극복 담론과 수령형상화
4. 자연 재해 극복 담론과 주민동원
5. 결론