Purpose: This study aimed to explore the life changes experienced by North Korean defectors following a cancer diagnosis. Methods: We conducted a qualitative study from July to August 2023 using in-depth one-on-one inter views and a questionnaire to gather data from 11 participants. All participants had been diagnosed with cancer, completed active basic treatment which included surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy and were currently undergoing follow-up observation. We applied conventional content analysis to examine the collected data. Results: The analysis revealed four main themes and twelve subthemes: changes in personal struggles, survival from cancer, challenges in returning to daily life as a cancer survivor, and the hope for a healthy life with cancer. Conclusion: Our findings highlight the need for tailored nursing interventions that take into account the unique characteristics of North Korean defectors. These interventions are essential to support the growing number of cancer survivors-stemming from population aging and evolving health characteristics-in leading fulfilling lives for as long as they desire.