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인공지능 시대의 북한 지역개발 방법론 구상: 대규모 언어 모델(LLM)을 활용한 미래 시나리오 생성 실험

Methodology of Planning for North Korean Regional Development in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: An Experimental Study on Future Scenario Generation Using Large Language Models(LLMs)

저자 민경태
소속 및 직함 국립통일교육원
발행기관 한국지역개발학회
학술지 한국지역개발학회지
권호사항 36(4)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 111-130
발행 시기 2024년
키워드 #북한   #지역개발   #인공지능   #대규모 언어 모델   #스마트시티   #4차 산업혁명   #민경태
This study employs Artificial Intelligence to develop experimental future scenarios for North Korean regional development. Focusing on government-proposed areas of inter-Korean economic cooperation - energy, transportation, and agriculture - the research analyzes current challenges including power supply instability, logistics inefficiency, and low agricultural productivity. The study proposes solutions utilizing Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, such as smart grid systems with Northeast Asian connections, autonomous logistics networks, and advanced agricultural technologies. The use of Large Language Models (LLMs), with their extensive data processing capabilities, enabled generation of creative future scenarios beyond conventional research methods. Policy simulations using virtual personas demonstrated the potential for developing tailored policies considering North Korea’s characteristics. This research holds methodological significance through its experimental use of LLMs and offers valuable reference material for future inter-Korean economic cooperation policies by exploring new possibilities for North Korean regional development.