This study analyzed how the report of the UN Commission of Inquiry(UN COI) on North Korean Human Rights interpreted the repatriation of Koreans in Japan to the DPRK during the Cold War and how Zainichi's current human rights campaign opposes the repatriation of Koreans in Japan to the DPRK during the Cold War. The UN COI North Korean Human Rights investigated the case that began during the Cold War, that is, the issue of the repatriation of Koreans in Japan to the DPRK, and wrote about it in detail in the report. From the contents of this report, it can be seen that the repatriation of Korean in Japan to the DPRK during the Cold War was a severe case without considering human rights. Zainichi's human rights campaign against the DPRK intensified after the release of the UNCOI report. Kawasaki Eiko, a Zainichi and representative of NGO Modumoija, filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court against the DPRK, claiming that the repatriation of Koreans in Japan to the DPRK during the Cold War violated international law. This study, therefore, suggests that Zainichi's campaign for human rights against the DPRK was further embodied through the UN COI Report on North Korean Human Rights.