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북한 영화 속에 나타난 간호원 이미지 연구

A Study of the Portrayal of Nurses in North Korean Films

저자 황진선, 윤미희
소속 및 직함 이화여자대학교
발행기관 이화간호과학연구소
학술지 Health & Nursing
권호사항 35(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 19-25
발행 시기 2023년
키워드 #북한   #간호사   #간호사 이미지   #영화 분석   #황진선   #윤미희
Purpose: This study aimed to explore how nurses are portrayed within the specific social context of North Korean films. Methods: Four North Korean films with nurses as protagonists were selected and analyzed using the content analysis method to categorize representation into different types that were integrated from previous research. Results: There were four different types of nurse portrayals in North Korean films: 1) ‘Achievement of Association,’ i.e., loyal to the leader and the party; 2) ‘Model Labor,’ that exemplifies carrying out the party’s policies as a nurse; 3) ‘Jeongseong Nursing,’ providing healthcare with sincerity; and 4) ‘Doctor Assistance,’ performing nursing duties according to the doctor’s orders. Conclusion: Due to the nature of North Korean films, which are used to spread the party’s policies and educate the people, nursing activities and socialist ideas emphasize the image of the nurse in the movie. The emphasis varies depending on the background of the film. These results provide essential data on nursing in North Korean nursing education in preparation for pre-reunification medical integration.