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북한의 ‘아동권리협약 국가이행보고서’에 나타난 모자보건사업과 국내외 모자보건사업 분석

Review of Maternal-Child Health Services in North Korea’s “National Implementation Report of the Convention on the Rights of the Child” and a Comparison with Domestic and International Maternal-Child Health Services

저자 김영은, 조주선
소속 및 직함 순천향대학교부속서울병원
발행기관 이화간호과학연구소
학술지 Health & Nursing
권호사항 35(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 27-36
발행 시기 2023년
키워드 #북한   #모자보건사업   #유엔   #아동권리협약   #김영은   #조주선
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the changes and current status of maternal-child health services of North Korea shown in the periodic reports of North Korea, and provided data for development of North Korea’s maternal-child health services. Methods: This study analyzed the contents of the periodic reports(first to fifth) of North Korea. 153 paragraphs were used for the analysis through keyword extraction as‘women’, ‘pregnant’, ‘childbirth’, ‘medical’, ‘hospital’, ‘public health’, ‘health’, and ‘nutrition’. The characteristics of 153 paragraphs were identified and compared with domestic and international maternal-child health services. Results: The number and proportion of health and maternal-child health related paragraph by each report gradually increased, and as the definition of maternal-child health appeared from the 5th report, a mid-to long-term maternal-child health strategy was established. The maternal- child health services in the 5th report meets most of the essential health services for women and children’s health, but there was no content related to the advanced maternal-child health services. Conclusion: Maternal-child health services of North Korea, as shown in the periodic reports, has developed into an internationally accepted level. To promote advanced maternal-child services in the future, North Korea is needed close cooperation with the international community.