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북한이탈 주민 대상 영어교육 연구동향

Research trends of English education for North Korean defectors in South Korea

저자 김태영, 오신유, 신희창
소속 및 직함 중앙대학교
발행기관 한국영어교육학회
학술지 영어교육
권호사항 78(2)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 192-222
발행 시기 2023년
키워드 #북한이탈주민   #한국에서의 북한이탈주민 대상 영어교육   #교육적 지원   #김태영   #오신유   #신희창
This paper systematically analyzed research trends of North Korean defectors’ English education in South Korea using the scoping literature review method. From 2001 to 2022, research on this topic was categorized into three phases: 1) Phase 1 (2000-2011), 2) Phase 2 (2012-2019), and 3) Phase 3 (2020-Present). Each phase was analyzed using school levels, themes, and research methods. Approximately a quarter of previous research investigated alternative schools for North Korean defectors, with students having difficulties with their limited English learning experiences. Research themes mainly concentrated on learner factors (48 papers), followed by educational contexts and teaching methods (21 papers). Most studies on appropriate teaching methods for North Korean defectors adopted qualitative methods focusing on a small number of participants. Regarding research methods, studies adopting qualitative methods accounted for 48.0%, whereas studies using quantitative ones accounted for 10.4%, reflecting the limited research opportunities to collect a large set of data from various North Korean participants in South Korea.