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북한이탈여성의 군 간호원 생활 경험

Lived Experience of Military Nurses in North Korea among North Korean Female Defectors

저자 전정희, 조순영, 김혜원
소속 및 직함 이화여자대학교
발행기관 군건강정책연구소
학술지 군진간호연구
권호사항 41(3)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 1-19
발행 시기 2023년
키워드 #군 간호   #북한   #여성   #이탈주민   #질적   #전정희, 조순영, 김혜원
Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe the essential structure of the lived experience of North Korean female defectors' military nurse life experience in North Korea. Methods: Five North Korean female defectors with more than 3 years' experience as a military nurse in North Korea were interviewed in depth from November to December 2021. The data were analyzed with phenomenological research methods of Colaizzi. Results: The meaning of military life experiences in North Korea among the participants was grouped into five categories, fifteen theme clusters, and forty-seven themes. The five categories were ‘Extraordinary benefits as a woman’, ‘Different curriculum depending on the unit’, ‘Being required to perform various roles’, ‘Remained pride in the work’, and ‘Frustration and limits’. Conclusion: The study results enabled fundamental understanding of female defectors' military nurse life in North Korea. Based on the results, it is necessary to develop education strategies for North Korean military nurses for the South Korean Military to prepare for the reunification of Korea.