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텍스트마이닝을 활용한 북한 온실가스 감축기술 연구 동향 분석

Text mining analysis of the chracteristics and trends of North Korea’s emission mitigation technologies

저자 이경수
소속 및 직함 서울대학교 한국정치연구소
발행기관 한국기후변화학회
학술지 한국기후변화학회지
권호사항 15(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 57-66
발행 시기 2024년
키워드 #North Korea   #Emission Reduction   #Mitigation Technology   #Textmining   #Inter-Korean Climate Technology Cooperation   #이경수
This study identifies the research trends and characteristics in North Korea’s greenhouse gas mitigation technology as part of its efforts to respond to climate change. North Korea announced its nationally determined contributions (NDC) and established a national plan for addressing climate change issues based on its strategy. As North Korea focuses on science and technology to reduce greenhouse gases, we analyzed North Korea’s mitigation technology trends to explore the possibility of future inter-Korean climate technology cooperation. We identified 1,484 cases of mitigation technology among research papers published in science and technology journals in North Korea. We classified 1,171 cases that were published after 2000 by applying the Climate Technology Classification (KCTC) and found 919 research cases in energy production, 114 cases in energy transportation, and 137 cases in the energy demand field. This reveals that North Korea is paying particular attention to low-carbon energy production as part of its mitigation technology development efforts. Notably, we observed an increase in research on solar and wind power compared to hydropower and in the energy demand field, suggesting that North Korea plans to address domestic energy shortages through the use of renewable energy and to transition to low-carbon economic production. This finding contributes to an understanding of North Korea’s focus on climate change issues and provides basic data for future inter-Korean climate technology cooperation.