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북한이탈여성의 건강 임파워먼트 측정도구 개발 및 평가

Development and Evaluation of Health Empowerment Scale for North Korean Women Defectors

저자 임세미, 강윤희
소속 및 직함 광주대학교
발행기관 한국간호과학회
학술지 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
권호사항 52(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 80-91
발행 시기 2022년
키워드 #북한   #건강   #임파워먼트   #신뢰도와 타당도   #임세미   #강윤희
Purpose: This study developed an instrument to evaluate the health empowerment of North Korean women refugees and examined its validity and reliability. Methods: Through literature review and focused group interviews, 66 preliminary items with three constructs, including perceived control, perceived competence, and goal internalization were selected based on Menon’s psychological health empowerment model. A questionnaire survey was conducted with 239 North Korean women refugees in the community from August 31 to September 4, 2020. Content, construct, convergent, and discriminative validity were evaluated. Cronbach’s α was used to evaluate the reliability of scale. Results: The final instrument consisted of 31 items with three factors that were identified through confirmatory factor analysis. The convergent validity showed that the correlation coefficient was .52 (p < .001), which confirmed the validity of the developed measurement tool. Cronbach’s α for all the items was .94, and Cronbach's α for the factors was .76~.91. Conclusion: This health empowerment scale has been developed to include aspects of health empowerment, provide a conceptual framework, and offer objective indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of a health education program.