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남북한 구강보건의료 통합과제와 접근방안에 관한 전문가 견해조사

An expert opinion study on policy tasks and approaches for the oral health care systems ntegrations in South-North Korea

저자 이승현, 정세환
소속 및 직함 강릉원주대학교 치과대학 예방치학교실
발행기관 대한예방치과·구강보건학회
학술지 대한구강보건학회지
권호사항 46(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 21-26
발행 시기 2022년
키워드 #Delphi study   #Implementation approach   #Korean unification   #Oral health care systems integration   #Policy task   #이승현   #정세환
Objectives: The aim of this study was to develop policy tasks and approaches for the integration of oral health care systems in South and North Korea on the basis of a literature research, and to verify their validity through a Delphi survey of an expert panel. Methods: Twelve policy tasks and 11 approaches for South-North Korea integration were developed by a comparative model of oral health care systems. Two rounds of Delphi surveys were conducted via e-mail on May 20 and June 16, 2020, targeting 10 experts with experience in inter-Korean oral health care exchange and cooperation or related research. The mean, coefficient of variation (CV), and content validity ration (CVR) were calculated for each item. The validity of each item was judged based on the CVR. Results: The five policy tasks that meet the consensus of experts are: the integration of dental college education, the integration of activity qualifications and supply/demand for general dentists, the integration of education and training for auxiliary dental personnel, the integration of activity qualifications and supply/demand for auxiliary dental personnel, and the integration of oral health care financing. The nine approaches of the consensus of experts are: sharing the philosophy, values, and strategies, guaranteeing geographic access for residents, standardized oral health care delivery, an integrated performance management system, an integrated computerized information system, an integrated governance structure, the installation and operation of an integrated organization, the re-education and re-qualification of active oral health care personnel, and integrated goals for oral health outcomes. Conclusions: The expert panel showed a relatively high degree of agreement with policy tasks and approaches for the integration of the South-North Korea oral health care systems. It is necessary to develop more realistic contents based on more reliable North Korean data in the future.