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북한이탈주민 지원정책에 관한 연구: 인구학적 특성을 중심으로

A Study on the Support Policy for North Korean Defectors: Focusing on Demographic Characteristics

저자 엄현숙, 여현철
소속 및 직함 북한대학원대학교
발행기관 공공정책연구소
학술지 Journal of North Korea Studies
권호사항 8(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 75-101
발행 시기 2022년
키워드 #North Korean defectors   #Support policy for North Korean defectors   #Job mismatch   #Human capital   #Demographic characteristics   #엄현숙   #여현철
The purpose of this study is to pay attention to the demographic characteristics of North Korean defectors, but to examine the support policy for North Korean defectors based on the concept of job mismatch and human capital.. To this end, the study shed light on the problems of settlement and adaptation based on the demographic characteristics of North Korean defectors in Korea and discussed policy support for adults and adolescents. The results of this study are as follows. First of all, for adults, it seems necessary to respond and actively support the government and the private sector on resolving the wage gap, expanding employment opportunities, and vocational training due to the settlement of North Korean defectors. Second, due to passive and individual differences, attention should be paid to those who need to explain active policies and customized policy services should be carried out at the same time. Third, in relation to economic activities, an analysis of the residential areas and limitations of housing where they live should also be conducted. Next, regarding adolescents, first, it seems necessary to promote youth start-ups and to have an insurance and protective system due to failure. Second, in order to enhance the function of the university, it is necessary to assign a dedicated teacher or a coach dedicated to fellow students in the university.