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북한 외국어로서의 조선어교육 운영 사례 분석 연구 -김형직사범대학교의 ‘조선 교환 장학생’프로그램을 중심으로-

A Case Study on the Operation of Korean Education as a Foreign Language at the DPRK

저자 김한근
소속 및 직함 연세대학교
발행기관 국제한국어교육학회
학술지 한국어교육
권호사항 33(2)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 81-113
발행 시기 2022년
키워드 #외국어로서의 조선어교육(KFL in DPRK)   #조선어교육(Korean Language Education in DPRK)   #외국어로서의 한국어교육 (KFL)   #김형직사범대학교(Kim Hyong-Jik University of Education)   #조선어 어학연수(Learning Korean in DPRK)   #김한근
The purpose of this study is to examine the operation cases of the Korean language as a foreign language conducted by Kim Hyong-jik University of Education. To this end, learners who participated in the ‘Joseon Exchange Scholarship’ program in 2015, 2016, and 2017 were interviewed and the overall course operation was analyzed. As a result of the interview, students from 4 schools in 2015, 6 schools in 2016, and 7 schools in 2019 participated. Every year ‘Conversation’, ‘Reading’, ‘Grammar’, ‘Writing’, ‘Geography’, ‘Music’ and ‘Physical Education’ were opened. In addition, the curriculum focused on ‘Conversation’ and ‘Reading’. In ‘Conversation’, the teacher’s lecture and learner-focused activities were conducted concurrently, but in other subjects, the class was conducted in the form of a teacher’s one-sided lecture. As a result, satisfaction with ‘Conversation’ was the highest, and satisfaction with ‘Grammar’ was the lowest because it was different from the grammar system of South Korean. As such, this study is meaningful in that it more concretely examines the status of Korean language education at Kim Hyong-jik University of Education in a diachronic method.